If you're trying to shed pounds, it's possible that certain hidden factors might be messing with your weight loss efforts. Take a look at several problems shown to thwart weight loss and the natural approaches that could serve as your solutions. Also, find out which natural remedies and therapies are most promising for weight loss.
Weight Loss Approaches
Hidden Factors That Can Prevent Weight Loss - Here's a look at several hidden factors shown to prevent weight loss, and a few natural approaches that could help.
Reduce Belly Fat Naturally - Research suggests that certain natural solutions may help reduce belly fat. Here's a look at several study findings.
Inflammation and Weight Gain - In recent years, a number of studies have shown that weight gain may be linked to chronic inflammation. Here are natural approaches that may reduce inflammation while supporting weight loss.
Natural Support for Obesity Prevention - Certain alternative therapies may also be beneficial when it comes to obesity prevention.
Bitter Orange - Bitter orange is purported to help treat constipation, indigestion, heartburn, loss of appetite, and nasal congestion, as well as promote weight loss.
Capsaicin - Capsaicin, a natural substance sourced from chili peppers, is said to speed up metabolism and reduce fat tissue, as well as curb overeating by taming appetite.
Chia - Find out whether chia — yes, the same sprouts found in your Chia Pet — can help you slim down and stay healthy.