Sunday, April 29, 2012

Chicken Coop Designs - 5 Tips to Consider Before Building a Chicken Coop

If you’re planning to build a chicken house than the most important thing you must do is to choose a proper chicken coop plan. This is not a though decision but you must choose wisely in order to get the best of the crop.

The Size

You want your chicken to be comfortable and thus you make sure they have enough space. That’s why you need to know how many hens you’ll put in there. If the place is too crowded the hygiene will suffer and most likely your chickens will get ill and so will you.

How to minimize your work

Since you’ll have a lot of work at the chicken coop, you need to find some ways that will help you minimize the work done. For example, you could build a slanted floor in order to clean the house easier.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Chicken Coop Designs

So you are planning to build a chicken coop and want to know about chicken coop designs? This article will tell you everything about chicken coop designs. Before you start building a chicken coop, sufficient information about the same is a must, so that proper hygiene and comfort can be provided to the chicken.

Before you start constructing the chicken coop, it is a must for you to have chicken coop designs and chicken coop building plans in your hands. The plan should be constructed in such a way that it takes care of the shelter of the chickens, which will keep them safe and comfortable.

Tips on Chicken Coop Designs and Building Plans

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Chicken Coop Design

Designing a chicken coop can be a tricky process. To make your life a little easier I've laid out some of the things you need to consider when you design your new coop.

Before you set out to look for a chicken coop design, there are some important things that you should be considering to make sure you’re on the right track and are going to build a chicken coop that meets all of your needs. While in some cases you can move a chicken coop at a later date, in most situations it’s a lot easier for you to put in some good thought and consideration beforehand so you’ll be satisfied with your placement decisions.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Causes of Hypoxemia

What are the causes of hypoxemia? How can this condition be brought back to normal? Read through the following article for more information on what is hypoxemia and the hypoxemia causes...

Oxygen is an important component required for survival. Oxygen acts a fuel for the body to ensure its proper functioning. Oxygen is transported from the lungs to all parts of the body through blood. A steady level of oxygen is circulated to the cells and tissues in the body. Without oxygen, the cells are unable to function properly and tend to get damaged in the process. The optimal amount of oxygen in a normal adult is approximately 95 to 100 percent. This level can be tested with the help of blood sample taken from an artery to detect the causes of hypoxemia. Sometimes due to various reasons, the oxygen levels or oxygen saturation suffers a dip. A drop in these levels (below 90 percent) can result in what is known as hypoxemia. Hence the hypoxemia definition states this condition as 'a decreased pressure of oxygen in the blood'. Let us take a look at the hypoxemia causes, symptoms and treatment.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Causes of hypothyroidism

There are numerous causes of hypothyroidism like complications in thyroid gland, autoimmune disorders and distressed brain activities. The most common cause of this disease is Hashiloto’s thyroiditis which is characterized by the reddened thyroid gland that at times leads to damaging of the thyroid cells.

Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland in the neck secretes excess thyroid hormones which in turn results in speeding up of the metabolism of the body. This disease is quite common in women as compared to men and usually affects the person at the age of 20-40. This disease clutches the human being under the extreme condition of stress or when a woman is pregnant. Some of its common signs are palpitations, increased heart rate, moist skin, shakiness, anxiety, tremors, insomnia, swollen and bulging eyes, short breath and thickening of the skin. Hypothyroidism is the grievous outcome of the mal functioning of the thyroid gland.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Causes of Hiccups

This article dwells on the causes of hiccups in adults as well as in infants and toddlers. In adults one of the main causes of hiccups is eating too fast, while in infants it's swallowing air while feeding. Read on to know more.

We all have hiccups bothering us on and off. Though we've experienced them all our life and even know some simple measures to quickly get rid of them, we've never really bothered to find out what exactly causes hiccups. Have we ever been bothered by the curiosity to know why we keep jerking and making weird sounds called hiccups. Let's find out what are the causes of hiccups and how do they come about.

Causes of Hernia

There are various causes of hernia, a medical condition where in body organs break through the weak cell walls, forming a lump in that particular spot. Read the article to learn about the various types and causes of hernia...

When any organ protrudes through the muscle wall resulting in a bulge, the condition is known as hernia. Since the intestine and other abdominal fatty tissues have a thin cell membrane covering, they are more prone to this medical condition. Though mostly observed in aging people, anybody can get affected by this medical condition. Hernias are classified into different types depending on the places they occur and the various causes of hernia. In most of the cases, a surgery is recommended to treat hernia.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Depression Test and Depression Treatment

The term ‘depression’ can be a vague one – a term that confuses most people. Sometimes, it is very hard to tell whether or not you are suffering from depression. Nonetheless, there are several types of depression tests and treatments to help a person suffering from this disorder. The treatment will be entirely dependent on the type of depression the patient is suffering from.

The truth is, the quicker you identify the type of depression you have, the faster you will recover from this disorder. It is very important to recognize the early warning signals of depression, before it becomes a full-blown disorder. The best way to detect it in the early stages is to undergo different depression tests.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Causes and Effects of Acid Rain

Acid rain is a form of pollution that can cause of lot of damage to natural ecosystems, to man-made objects, as well has harms human health. Here are some of the causes and effects of acid rain.

Acid rain, or more accurately acid precipitation, is the term used for describing rainfall with a pH level lower than 5.6. This type of pollution is a matter of great debate currently due to the potential of its causing environmental damages all across the world. For the last decade or so acid rain has caused destruction to hundreds of lakes and streams in many parts of the world, including the US, Canada, and Europe. Acid rain forms due to the oxides of sulfite and nitrogen combining with the moisture contained in the atmosphere, resulting in the formation of sulfuric and nitric acids. These acids can be dispersed far away from their places of origin.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Castration Anxiety

Castration anxiety is a theory that has been propelled by Sigmund Freud and goes on to explain this theory as an important aspect of development. In the article that follows, we shall look through the details of this theory and see how it relates to us.

Now you'd think that the term castration anxiety has got to do with only the male populace (most naturally), but there you would be wrong. Or so says the psychoanalytical approach that has been put forth by Sigmund Freud. Though castration anxiety also includes the literal meaning of the anxiety that is born out of undergoing a castration for guys, it has a deeper connotation that also includes girls (though in an indirect way). According to this psychoanalytical theory, male castration anxiety comes about as a natural part of development for young boys when they notice the lack of a penis in the male genitalia and associate it to being castrated. They convince themselves that this is a form of punishment that has been meted out to the girls. The castration anxiety therefore develops, where they fear that they'll lose their genitalia as a form of punishment as well. This theory is not limited to merely this aspect but is interrelated with several others. In the article that follows, we shall try and understand what is castration anxiety in more detail.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Castor Oil Uses

Castor oil uses have always been a subject of discussion in the field of medicine. Castor oil as most of us know, is prominently used as a household medicine due to many of its properties. The following article elaborates some of the castor oil uses.

Castor Oil is an extract of the castor bean that belongs to the castor plants. Castor oil is basically classified as a vegetable oil and is prominently used for small home remedies due to its medical properties. Castor oil is a rather viscous oil that has a translucent and pale yellow shade. The oil is usually odourless and tends to emit a small amount of odor in some cases as a result of impurities.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Castor Oil Plant

Castor oil is widely used in various industries for its applications in manufacturing, cosmetics, food and medicine. This oil is extracted from the seeds of Castor plant, a native of Africa. Read on to know more about it.

On September 7, 1978, Georgi Ivanov Markov, an acclaimed Bulgarian dissident writer, working as a journalist for the BBC World Service, was waiting at a bus stop in London. He was suddenly hit in the right leg by an umbrella of a stranger. After some time, he felt an intense pain in that leg. Later he had fever and died after three days. It was presumed to be a normal death, until the doctors conducted an autopsy of Markov's body. They found a spherical metallic pellet embedded in his leg. The pellet had traces of a toxic substance, 'ricin' in it. It is believed that the pellet was inserted into his body by the stranger he met at the bus stop. The murderer is still at large, but, it is believed that the murder (known as umbrella murder) was committed by an agent of the Bulgarian secret service with the help of the KGB.

Castor Oil Packs

Castor oil has been used as a medicine since ancient times. In natural therapy, castor oil packs are immense popular as these can effectively treat a number of health problems. Let us find out more about castor oil packs.

Castor oil is a kind of vegetable oil, extracted from castor beans or castor seeds of castor oil plants. It is found in the form of a pale yellow liquid that has a mild odor, but is tasteless. Castor oil packs are prepared for the purpose of application on various parts of body in order to treat different types of ailments. The therapeutic use of castor oil is due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. The healing properties of castor oil work best when applied on the skin in the form of oil packs.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Castor Oil: Hair Growth Elixir?

Find out how castor oil can benefit hair growth and work as a excellent hair growth treatment and home remedy.

As we grow old, our hair grows old with us; and as we have a life cycle, so does our hair. Every strand of hair on our head must be replaced at some point, and a disturbance in this cycle causes hair growth problems. Hair loss is a common problem caused by hormonal imbalance, a scalp infection, or emotional and physical stress. Stress is one of life’s everyday occurrences so the risk of hair loss is high. With castor oil, hair growth will never be a problem again.

Castor Oil Hair Growth Treatment Method