What are the causes of hypoxemia? How can this condition be brought back to normal? Read through the following article for more information on what is hypoxemia and the hypoxemia causes...
Oxygen is an important component required for survival. Oxygen acts a fuel for the body to ensure its proper functioning. Oxygen is transported from the lungs to all parts of the body through blood. A steady level of oxygen is circulated to the cells and tissues in the body. Without oxygen, the cells are unable to function properly and tend to get damaged in the process. The optimal amount of oxygen in a normal adult is approximately 95 to 100 percent. This level can be tested with the help of blood sample taken from an artery to detect the causes of hypoxemia. Sometimes due to various reasons, the oxygen levels or oxygen saturation suffers a dip. A drop in these levels (below 90 percent) can result in what is known as hypoxemia. Hence the hypoxemia definition states this condition as 'a decreased pressure of oxygen in the blood'. Let us take a look at the hypoxemia causes, symptoms and treatment.
What are the Causes of Hypoxemia
As mentioned earlier, an abnormally low level of oxygen in the blood can lead to hypoxemia. Refractory hypoxemia occurs when this health disorder becomes irreversible even though oxygen is administered. This respiratory disorder can be caused due to several reasons. A few of the hypoxemia causes are given below.
Obstruction in the air passage due to the presence of debris like food, or an infection resulting in an outgrowth or secretion of excess mucus. Lung diseases like pneumonia, chronic obstruction pulmonary disease (COPD), pneumothorax and pulmonary fibrosis, etc. can also cause airway obstruction.
When the lung tissues get scarred due to an infection or trauma, it becomes tough for oxygen to pass through the membranes of the lungs and enter the blood stream, from where it can be transported to other body parts.
Certain cardiovascular disorders like atherosclerosis (or a clogged artery) due to the presence of deposits in the artery, high blood pressure, malformed heart, etc. are also leading causes of hypoxemia.
Red blood cells are the main carriers of oxygen molecules. But due to anemia, which is caused due to deficiency of iron, the number of red blood cells falls down below normal. This results in low absorption of oxygen.
A condition called polycythemia, where the bone marrow tends to produce excess red blood cells, than is required by the body, is also responsible for low levels of oxygen. Over production of red blood cells thickens the blood further making the passage of the oxygen molecules tough.
The presence of heart diseases can affect the levels of oxygen in the body. The heart performs the function of pumping oxygen rich blood throughout the body. But if this organ gets affected due to some disorder, then it hampers the function. Hypoxemia can also be caused due to congenital heart disorders like faulty or ruptured valve, which can disrupt the flow of oxygen.
An overdose of certain medications like anesthetics, anticoagulants and narcotics, etc. can drastically lower the levels of oxygen in the blood. Hence to avoid hypoxemia, these drugs should be taken only under the guidance of a medical practitioner.
People living in high altitude regions may also experience hypoxemia, because the levels of oxygen is less in higher altitudes as compared to the low lying regions.
Symptoms of Hypoxemia
The symptoms of this respiratory disorder are shortness of breath (dyspnea), cyanosis or bluish discoloration of the skin, generalized body weakness, fatigue, and a feeling of nausea. Early diagnosis of this condition on observing these symptoms can prove helpful in reversing this life threatening disorder.
Treating Hypoxemia
Before administering treatment, the patient may have to undergo certain diagnostic tests, like arterial blood gas test, to check for the levels of oxygen in the blood and determine the causes of hypoxemia. In arterial blood gas test, a sample of blood from the artery is tested, to see the concentration of oxygen, with the help of a device called pulse oximeter. Other tests may include CT and MRI scans to diagnose heart or lung diseases. Once the diagnostic tests are conducted, the doctor may prescribe medications to treat lung and heart diseases. The patient may also have to undergo oxygen therapy to replenish the oxygen levels in the body.
Hypoxia vs Hypoxemia
Though both these diseases are concerned with the respiratory system, hypoxemia and hypoxia are two completely different disorders. In terms of hypoxemia vs hypoxia, the symptoms and causes are different. One of the causes of hypoxia can be due to hypoxemia, but not vice versa. In hypoxia, there is a significant decline in the level of oxygen, which can affect the brain and cause damage, which may even prove fatal.
These were some of the causes of hypoxemia. In case of a delay in treating this condition, hypoxemia can prove to be life threatening. So if the individual is a victim of any of the above mentioned disorders and exhibits symptoms similar to hypoxemia, then it is advisable to rush him to a medical practitioner to avoid any further complications. Hope you found this article on causes of hypoxemia informative.
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