Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Negative Effects of Exercise in Polluted Location

Aerobic activity is one way to maintain fitness and health. Unfortunately, that aerobic activity done outside the room, such as jogging or cycling at a high environmental pollution, to some extent still have a negative effect, especially if you suffer from asthma, lung disorders, or cardiovascular disease.

According to Professor Edward R Laskowski, MD, physician members of the American Coolege of Sports Medicine, during aerobic activity, even a low intensity, you’ll inhale 10 times higher than the rest.

In addition, when you exercise you will more often take a deep breath to the lungs and breathe more often through the mouth so that air could not be filtered by the filter system in the nose. This will increase the contact with the exiting pollutants in the air.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Smoking While Pregnant ?

Women who smoke during pregnancy risk of making their child’s mental symptoms such as delusions and hallucinations. A survey in England showed that pregnant women who smoke are a bout 20 percent more easily affected. That problems will increase approximately 84 percent if the number of cigarettes smoked as 20 dozen bars or more in a day.

Research conducted Cardiff University, Nottingham, Bristol and Warwick, as quoted by the BBC, was part of long-term study of the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children to examine how genetics and environment affect health.

One survey in the long-term research carried out on groups of children twelve years of age whose mothers smoked during pregnancy. The children were examined the extent to which experienced hallucinations events.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

15 Signs to Recognize Cancer

Danger lurking men if they are not aware of the symptoms of cancer. And if the early alert and find the symptoms, then treatment will be easier. If it’s too late, the cancer can spread to various organs of the body and be difficult to recover. Therefore, let us recognize – the following symptoms:

1. If there is mass in the breast

Maybe I never thought in your mind that he might have breast cancer although this rarely happens. Any lump in the breast should have to watch out for, especially if the discharge from the nipple.

2. Pain

Grew older, the more often you feel the aches and pains. The pain that occurs constantly can be a sign of cancer although the incidence of pain was not caused by cancer.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Vaginoplasty (vaginal tightening)

Vaginoplasty, the operations performed to tighten the vagina, the more interested in the beauty world the last few years. Before knowing how Vaginoplasty done, should also know what motivates people to do it.

Female pelvic floor in the three organs of control systems, say of the bladder, uterus and stomach, which became one groove. If one organ is damaged, can be organs affected neighbors.

The main cause behind the destruction of the pelvic floor muscles is usually due to childbirth, menopause, and obesity. Conversely, some women are born with fat tissue collagen and vaginal sagging even at a young age and not lost during delivery.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Fortunately Loss Breast Surgery

Variety of reasons why some women decide to breast surgery. To be sure, let them look more beautiful and more confident.

For some plastic surgery patients, any small change it can cause psychological effects of extraordinary. Therefore, prior to action, physicians should communicate the risks.

A good surgeon should inform the patient about the potential benefits and risks of plastic surgery. For example, there is a risk of complications and the emergence of keloid. Transplantation is too heavy breasts artificially, could also be bad for your back and body. In addition, the bra worn by supporters they will get so tight, causing the shoulder pain.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Swelling of The Urinary Tract

Swelling of the urinary tract, a condition where a person is not able to hold urine in the bladder, so urine can not be controlled. This can happen to anyone, man or woman.

What Kind Only?

There are many types of inflammation of the urinary tract. The most common types are:

1. Because the swelling pressure

Urine when you cough out, laughing, sneezing, lifting or running. According to Institutional Disease Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney at the American National, this type is more common in women.

2. Swelling Encouragement

You will feel a strong urge to urinate and urine will come out, even if you only drink a little. Visits to the bathroom will be more frequent.

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Blue Book of Tramadol

Tramadol is widely known as a medication for body pain. Tramadol is a prescription medication in which you should consult a pysician to buy it. It is important to ensure that you will not experience unwanted side effect after taking the tramadol.

Tramadol can cause severe vomiting and heavy perspiring and a state of shock. Furthermore, the physicians will not instruct you to take other medications such as antidepressants and opioid analgesic since the effects are more likely to occur and will be greater. However, don’t be afraid of the side effects of tramadol since the physician knows better about the tramadol. He or she will decide whether tramadol is the ideal prescription pain reliever for you or not. Meanwhile, you can also go to to learn more about the benefits of taking tramadol. This site is an online source for Tramadol Information where you find any information you need related to the tramadol.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Buy Legal Steroids Online

Steroids have become problems of some athletes. The use of steroids for the athletic professional is still a hot issue today. Having the knowledge about steroids is important to give you the right point of view about the use of steroids. People should realize that not all steroids use is bad. If the steroids are taken under a doctor’s prescription, they can be beneficial to the users.

In, you can learn more about the use of steroids. As you know that education is the safeguard from any harm that can happen related to the steroids. In this site, you can find any information related to the topic of steroids. You can learn the benefits and also the risks of taking the steroids. However, since steroids are adult issues, before viewing the information in this site, you should be at least 18 years old.

What is the Importance of Lowering Triglycerides ?

People often and even the most talked about cholesterol and triglycerides to ignore, even though they are like siblings. Both cholesterol and triglyceride blood fats is the size. Usually people high cholesterol or high LDLnya, high triglyceride, too, though it does not always happen, for example I myself, although total cholesterol and is high but LDLku in. trigliseridaku normal size.

After years now dianaktirikan researchers found high triglyceride levels may be a meaningful indicator for stroke and heart disease, regardless of total cholesterol.

Still remember writing about triglycerides khan? Triglyceride is a fraction of fat contained in food and our blood. People obesity, triglyceride in the form of “lard” can weigh tens and even hundreds of kilograms, but for the thin trigliseridnya excess blood is stored in the alias hypertriglyceridemia.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Kill Bacteria with skin Pumpkin

Pumpkin fans should be proud to hear this one. Scientists from South Korea claimed through his latest research has found a kind of active material in the pumpkin shin that can kill the bacteria causing millions of cases of disease or fungal infection candidiasis.

The experts at Chosun University said a number of diseases caused by microbes tend to become resistant to antibiotics that exist today. The phenomenon was triggered them to find other ways to treat diseases caused by bacteria.

In his research report, Kyung-Soo Hahm, Yoonkyung Park and his colleagues noted that the pumpkin is already known in traditional medicine in some countries.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Benefits of Green Open Space

Green open space increase the quality of health. With more and more expemsive health care costs, may be considered to take advantage of green open space as part of efforts to prevent disease.

A study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health showed people who lived within one kilometer of the park or open space green areas are more often experienced depression and anxiety.

Research conducted on the medical records of 345.143 in Holland, the Netherlands, is assessing the health status of respondents in the 24 conditions, including cardiovascular, respiratory, and neurological diseases. The results were then related to the distance where the respondent lived with a green open space within a radius of one kilometer, three kilometer.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Clitoral and Vaginal Orgasm

Orgasm, his arrival is always eagerly awaited in the cycle of sexual relationships. New orgasm appears when a person experiences sexual stimulation accurs intense. Well, orgasm is the culmination of these stimuli.

Nearly all men can achieve orgasm every sexual intercourse. However, not so with women. In women, there are two types of orgasm, the clitoral and vaginal orgasm.

Clitoral orgasm is achieved through clitoral stimulation to the organ. This organ is located at the top of her genital lips and a little closed. Just as with the male penis, the clitoris has a lot of sensitive nerves that moment. When the clitoris is stimulated, blood flow to organs and make this little bit bigger.