Friday, April 22, 2011

Vaginoplasty (vaginal tightening)

Vaginoplasty, the operations performed to tighten the vagina, the more interested in the beauty world the last few years. Before knowing how Vaginoplasty done, should also know what motivates people to do it.

Female pelvic floor in the three organs of control systems, say of the bladder, uterus and stomach, which became one groove. If one organ is damaged, can be organs affected neighbors.

The main cause behind the destruction of the pelvic floor muscles is usually due to childbirth, menopause, and obesity. Conversely, some women are born with fat tissue collagen and vaginal sagging even at a young age and not lost during delivery.

The reason, the birth of a child

Damage to the vagina usually caused by pregnancy and childbirth. Born baby’s head, through the vagina, can cause pelvic floor muscles are too stretchy and tore it up. Could be even worse if the patient is not doing Kegel exercises during pregnancy and after childbirth.

Many women are not aware of this exercise can prevent or reduce the risk of damage to the pelvic floor. To find out whether pelvic floor damage, the doctor can insert into the vagina index finger and thumb into the anus and “pinched” it. If there is a kind of empty space in between, then the pelvic floor muscles have been damaged and the network “perineal body” which is located in the area.

This is a common problem caused by the process of healing or a bad cut (episiotomy) in the vagina immediately after delivery. This causes a feeling as the vulva / vaginal opening in the patient and spouse. Complaints, such as loose, no biting, no sensations, and unpleasant, often heard.


Different from Vaginoplasty, there are patients who ask labioplasty (depreciation of the vaginal lips). Some patients, especially those under 40 years old, very disturbed by the lips of their vagina. Some complained pain during sex when the couple tried to find the “entrance”. Others feel depressed when the couple saw the vulva and turned to another woman.

Labioplasty is a simple operation to cut the excess skin of the vulva with a straight or zigzag cuts. Sewing is done with this neat and will disappear within a week. Labioplasty can be done as a day procedure with satisfactory results.

1 comment:

  1. Vaginoplasty or Vaginal Tightening Surgery, is most popular procedure to tighten vaginal muscles.Get more details visit on Vaginoplasty Singapore.
