Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Glory of Vinegar! 13 Innovative Ways To Use Vinegar In Your Home

When we're good to our environment, we're good to ourselves. We don't need all those chemicals in the cleaning products we buy, at often a mighty high price, and the environment doesn't need them either. Because of its acidity, white distilled vinegar is super-effective at killing most mold, bacteria and germs, and it's eco-friendly. Here are some suggestions how to use vinegar to clean your home:

-Shine chrome and remove lime buildup by making a paste of 2 Tablespoons salt and 1 teaspoon of white distilled vinegar.

-For a natural scouring cleanser, mix ? cup baking soda with 1 Tablespoon liquid detergent and just enough white vinegar to give it a thick and creamy texture.

-Make your own window cleaner with ? cup ammonia, 2 cup white vinegar and 2 Tablespoons cornstarch in a gallon of water.

-Deodorize a garbage disposal by pouring in ? cup baking soda and ? cup hot white vinegar. Let sit for 5 minutes, then run hot water down the disposal.

-Mix ? cup white vinegar with ? cup water in a microwave safe bowl, put in the microwave and let it boil to clean baked-on foods and remove odors. Wipe clean.

-Mix equal parts water and white vinegar into a solution to clean the refrigerator inside and out.

-Mix equal parts of salt or baking soda with white vinegar to scrub away stains from coffee and teacups, then rinse clean.

-Polish brass and copper with a mix of 2 Tablespoons ketchup and 1 Tablespoon white vinegar. Rub it on with a clean cloth until dry and shiny.

-Soak a sponge in white vinegar to wipe grease off of exhaust fans.

-Clean grout with full strength white vinegar and a toothbrush.

-Kill germs by spraying full-strength white vinegar on doorknobs and then wipe dry.

-Clean your BBQ grill by spraying white vinegar on it and then scrubbing with wadded up aluminum foil.

-Clean off stickers, decals, or sticky stuff with a cloth dipped in white vinegar.

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