Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Anorexia Nervosa - Signs and Symptoms

Anorexia Nervosa disorder is very common in young adults. Anorexia Nervosa requires treatment as it can be life threatening.

Anorexia Nervosa or anorexia cases are increasing with more and more people acquiring eating disorders. This disorder is very common in young adults, especially young women. People suffering from Anorexia can seem unaware of the dyer consequences of the disorder. In fact, most sufferers are aware that they are hurting their body. They do not care about the consequences, as the disorder seems to be the only escape from their present emotional pain.

Look Out for these Signs and Symptoms

-Restricting caloric intake to less than needed to maintain healthy ideal body weight

-Following a severely limited diet even if underweight

-Forced vomiting or other compensatory behaviors like laxative use, diuretic use or compulsive exercise

-Absence of menstrual cycles for three or more consecutive months

-Fear of eating in social places or in front of others

-Increased isolation and depressive symptoms

-Relentless pursuit of thinness

-Obsessive thinking and talking about weight, shape, size, appearance, or


-Rituals around body checking, exercise, or food.

-Loss of interest in activities and relationships

-Body dissatisfaction, body image distortion.

-Chewing and spitting as an attempt to control weight

-Taking in excessive amounts of fluid or restricting fluid intake

-Use or abuse of diet pills, herbal supplements, or teas.

-Depression and insomnia

-Constipation and bloating

Some physical symptoms associated with anorexia are starvation, fatigue, low body temperature, low heart rate, heart disease, low body metabolism, tooth and gum infections, growth of facial hair, loss of hair from scalp, anemia, dry and dull skin, osteoporosis, impaired kidney functions, and puffiness in the face.

Ensure Treatment at Reliable Treatment Centers

Anorexia Nervosa requires immediate treatment as it can be life threatening. The diagnosis may be difficult due to the shame, secrecy and denial surrounding the disorder. Treatment by specialists in a specialized treatment center is vital to ensure effectiveness and prevent recurrence and relapse.

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