Sunday, January 1, 2012

Coffee of the Month Club - Running Out of Coffee Isn't An Option

Coffee runs through my veins. I have a sleepy gene so drinking coffee is the only fuel that I can count on to make sure my "to-do today" list doesn't extend to "this month." I like my coffee jet fuel strength with just enough cream to turn it a milk chocolate brown. No flavoring or sugar, I am sweet enough.

For the aforementioned reasons it is imperative that we never, ever run out of coffee. To make sure that this doesn't happen, we have decided to join a coffee of the month club. The coffee is delivered to my house once-a-month and that way it doesn't get forgotten on the all-important shopping list.

We support coffee roasters that are small, boutique Fair Trade and Organic certified. We don't like mass-produced coffee that tastes burnt, bland, or green-bean flavored (sometimes referred to as baggy). So we have settled on Nectar of Life Organic and Fair Trade Coffee Roasters out of Coeur d' Alene, Idaho. The coffee roaster is a former wine-maker (can you say "yum") and the quality of the coffee is never an issue.

The Coffee of the Month Club is one thing I can check off my to-do list for a whole three months. There are two packs of coffee in each shipment so I don't need to rush to the store in my pajama's (your welcome "What Not To Wear.") I get more time to focus on things that really matter to me, like how my son has just earned a new bank color on our work-out video game.

Nectar of Life also reminds me to reorder with the last shipment in my club membership; which is very nice for those of us that need a paper invoice, an email, automatic bank payments, and a phone call to make sure that bills get paid on time. They also send tracking information with each package.

I may still need to remember to go online to pay bills, and order coffee, but I love the freedom of getting what I need for three months at a time.First my medication and now my coffee.I wonder if I could a laundry system that would go for three months at a whack.

For the best coffee at the best price check out Nectar of Life's Coffee Club. They have wonderful organic coffee!

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